Our inspiration and vision for Harper Lawrence was born in 2015. We felt there was a need for modern luxury handbags offered directly to consumers and featured in select retail stores. We both had earlier careers in fashion (Heather Harper as a publicity executive at Anne Klein and Laura Lawrence Wilcock as a buyer at Saks Fifth Avenue) in New York City. We reunited in NYC after Laura and her family returned from London.
We pivoted into different fields but remained passionate about those paths; Heather as Co-Founder of London Bridges Interiors and Laura as Founder of North Star Life Coaching. However, we had been missing the creativity and design from our earlier careers, and we both had the dream of creating a collection of handbags.
After months of researching, traveling, creating and designing, we decided to produce handbags in Italy and launched our Harper Lawrence line with The Lawrence Tote, in 2016.